Developing missionary leaders

Ministry Placements


How it works

Jesus taught His disciples and sent them out to put into action what they were discovering. There’s so much we’ll never discover unless we do something with what we’ve been given, and that’s why ministry placements are a vital part of St. Marks Academy.

If you’re not sure which apprenticeship is right for you, watch our extended promo with info about the Mission Apprenticeship scheme, and read on below to find out more about what each church offers. At every placement church you’ll find a ministry supervisor who will support your growth and learning on placement.

  • Get grassroots experience in a local suburban area at this missional church plant. Join the team that’s seeing healings and encounters with God through Alpha, develop community work skills, and strengthen an area such as kids ministry or worship. You’ll see first hand how to develop a church plant and see renewal occur! This is a paid part time apprenticeship, 25 hours a week (including Academy teaching & formation). Salary £15,600 for 1 year.

  • Hone your craft and discover your calling at the home of St. Marks Academy. Experienced staff ministry leaders with a belief in you and a passion to resource the city will oversee and invest in your development. Specialise in one of the areas of ministry at the bottom of the page and discover what God has prepared for you! This is an unpaid part time apprenticeship. Click here to download the Job Description for this role.

  • For dynamic and ground-breaking experience of ministry in an urban church plant, St Peter’s will stretch and expand your heart to reach cross-culturally, as you minister with migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Be part of working to build community and a congregation holding a service in multiple languages. This is a paid part time apprenticeship, 25 hours a week (including Academy teaching & formation). Salary £15,600 for 1 year.

  • Join this urban plant church engaged in bringing transformation through the gospel and creativity. In the catholic tradition within the Church of England, St Oswalds gives space for exploring what you believe about the role and expression of the church in a local community, with wide-ranging ministry experiences with children, youth, community meals and much more. This is a paid part time apprenticeship, 25 hours a week (including Academy teaching & formation). Salary £15,600 for 1 year.

  • Are you ready to stretch your faith, take initiative, and present the gospel to this ex-mining community in a small town location? Learn what it takes to lead in the early stages of planting a church, and get experience leading ministry with kids and families. You’ll also benefit from the prayerful covering of the thriving parish church in Bedworth. This is a paid part time apprenticeship, 25 hours a week (including Academy teaching & formation). Salary £15,600 for 1 year.

  • Are you looking for a supportive environment to grow in your intimacy with God and see the church impact the local community? This internship placement, located in a thriving town popular with university students, also benefits from having an established programme with experienced team, where you’ll receive additional formation. This is a part time unpaid internship.

  • Be part of seeing communities in North Coventry transformed by the love of God, as you serve as part of a team committed to evangelism in a Mission Hub church. With opportunities for focusing on children’s ministry, outreach, youth work and worship, St Laurence’s will help you discover how God has shaped you to serve and lead.

  • Get experience seeing growth in this lively suburban parish church, with inspiring and caring leadership and a supportive community. Be part of what God is doing in the lives of younger people and find community among other young adults. This is an unpaid apprenticeship with support towards living costs.

  • Holy Trinity Coventry sits on the ruins of an ancient Benedictine Priory. What if God was birthing a new type of urban monastery for a new generation? A house of prayer for all nations, where people would grow in knowledge and love of Jesus, as apprentices of Jesus, and apostles, sent out to reach out to the diversity of Coventry people (from the students to the lost, the little and the lonely).

    Be part of establishing a new monastic community through rhythms of prayer, life and mission. Receive and engage, grow and share life together in an intentional community practicing the values of prayer, creativity, hospitality, learning, mission and justice.

    This is an unpaid part-time apprenticeship, discussions welcomed about possible city centre accommodation.

  • Journey deeper, grow stronger, and bring the Kingdom at a dynamic and multicultural city church. As part of the Accelerate Discipleship Year, you’ll get experience working with exceptional leaders in Kids, Youth, Students or Young Adults ministry, and will have additional formation and in-house opportunities for discipleship as well as being a full part of the St. Marks Academy teaching and formation programme.

  • The St. Marks Academy team is currently exploring other potential partnerships, from city to rural locations. Watch this space as new placements are added. Also, if you already have a connection with another church and would like to intern with them and also benefit from the teaching and formation of St. Marks Academy, email us at and we can explore with you!

Ready to apply? If you’re not sure which placement is for you still, no worries - you can let us know you’d like help finding the right placement, as part of our application form.

Ministry Streams

Year 2 Placements

The St. Marks Academy Year 2 programme normally consists of 3 teaching modules building on the foundations of the Year 1 programme, an increased amount of time on placement in local churches, and continued formation input. There are additional expectations in terms of reading, self-guided study, and some written reports.

Placements for second year students are offered by a number of our partner churches. They include greater leadership responsibility and aim to place you in a strong position to apply for more permanent employed leadership roles by the end of your year. Both your supervisor and your personal mentor will work intentionally with you to help you prepare for the next career step in your adventure with God.

Applications for our year 2 programme are open to those who have successfully completed our year 1 programme. In the case of St. Marks Church Year 2 Ministry Apprenticeships, applications will also be considered from those who have completed an equivalent of our year 1 programme – this would usually be an internship in a Church or Christian organisation which included both teaching and practical experience in the area of ministry you wish to pursue, or could be previous employment on a Church staff team. Full details will be requested as part of the application process. Check back here nearer summer 2025 for details of Year 2 St. Marks Apprentice roles.